Pecassa's Mister Chance of Charm

Born 26.11.2020

Heart clear 17.01. 2022

Patella 0/0

Full ECVO clear for breeding

DNA clear 

Some Show results

24 July 2021, Best puppy male, BOB puppy, Skudeneshavn, Mona Selbach 

25 July 2021, Best puppy male, BOS ouppy, Skudeneshavn, Eli Marie Klepp

14.08.21 Best puppy male, BOB puppy, Sanda, Marit Sunde

21.08.21 Best puppy male, Best of breed, Lillehammer, Patrick Oware

25.09.21 Excellent, CQ, CC/CAC, Judge Borchorst, Ingrid

11.06.22 Excellent, CQ, CC/CAC, Judge Lawless, Jean

7 mths

7 mths

20 monthd

20 monthd



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